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Emergency Services When You Need Them Most

We know that dental emergencies happen. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact us right away. Gumtree Dental Care provides expert emergency dentistry services in Stittsville. In the event of an emergency, we know how important it is to get care and relief right away. That is why our dental professionals are trained and equipped to address dental emergencies when they happen. In the event that you are experiencing rapid swelling, severe and persistent pain, or bleeding, it is recommended that you reach out to us or another medical professional right away. We take dental emergencies very seriously, so you know that you are in good hands when the unexpected happens.

A bright smile you can't say no to

What Is Emergency Dentistry?

It is important to note that not all dental problems are considered emergencies. Some examples of dental emergencies include an infected tooth, persistent pain, rapid swelling, excessive bleeding, and broken teeth. We provide emergency dentistry services throughout the area because we know how painful and dangerous dental emergencies can be. Dental emergencies require immediate attention, so don’t wait to call our professionals. In the event that you are experiencing a dental emergency, we will get you in to see our dentists as soon as possible. If your dental emergency included some sort of head trauma, it is vital that you follow up with a medical professional to have yourself evaluated for a potential concussion.

Get Care Fast

Our dentists are trained and certified to treat a variety of dental emergencies. When you or one of your family members is experiencing a dental emergency, it is important that you contact us right away to prevent further discomfort or damage. We use only the best diagnostic technology and state-of-the-art equipment to treat your condition. Whether you have a severe toothache or excessive swelling, our dentists will get to the root of the problem and treat it from there so that you have lasting relief. In the event that our office is closed during a dental emergency, please reach out to the Ottawa Dental Society to seek care. We provide specialized treatment for dental emergencies, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us now.

We Accept Emergencies!

  • Please contact us at 343-545-1010 if a dental emergency arises, and we will try to accommodate you into our schedule as soon as possible
  • For rapid-growing swellings, please seek dental or medical attention right away
  • For falls or accidents that include head trauma, please follow up with emergency medical services to assess risk of concussions, and see a dentist as soon as possible to assess the level of dental trauma
  • If we are closed, please contact the Ottawa Dental Society emergency number at 613-523-4185. They are open every day from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. You can visit their website at

Dental Care for the Whole Family