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Preventative Dentistry for the Whole Family

Gumtree Dental Care provides family dentistry services in Stittsville. Our dentists can treat patients of all ages, making us a convenient option for your whole family. We know that everyone is unique, which is why all of our services are tailored to meet each patient’s specific needs. When you trust us to care for your oral health, you will experience the dedication of our medical team. We work hard to ensure that you not only receive the preventative dentistry services you need but that all of your concerns are addressed. Once your teeth and gums have been professionally evaluated, we will come up with a personalized treatment plan that will get and keep your oral health in the shape it deserves to be in.

Senior couple embracing

What Is Preventative Dentistry?

Preventative dentistry is the key to maintaining your oral health. This type of dentistry includes dental services that protect your teeth and help prevent them from cavities and gum disease. Regular annual cleanings and check-ups are necessary preventative measures to protect your oral health. Our professionals create personalized treatment plans for each patient that assess your risk of gum disease and cavity development. When you visit us, we will perform a full oral exam which includes a screening for oral cancer, x-rays, and a gum chart evaluation. Based on the results of the oral exam, we will recommend the frequency of cleanings you should have and discuss what preventative measures you can take at home. Maintaining a specific dental hygiene routine at home can significantly help boost your oral health.

Family Dentistry Services

Our goal is to provide patients throughout the area access to all the dental services they need. That is why we offer a wide range of dental services at our office. Our team works hard to ensure that each patient’s needs are met and that all issues are addressed. We take the time to listen to your concerns so that you can leave our office feeling satisfied with your dental results. No matter what age you are, our team will care for your teeth. Our family dentistry services include:

Preventative Resin Restorations

Also known as PRR, preventative resin restorations are provided to patients who have small sticky fissures that are at risk of developing cavities.
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Cleanings and Check-Ups

We recommend that all patients have regular cleanings and check-ups annually. This includes a complete oral exam and a dental cleaning by one of our hygienists.

Gum Disease Treatments

Our team will assess the status of your gums and recommend treatment options as necessary.


Sealants prevent food from getting stuck in the deep grooves of teeth. Our team can expertly place sealants as a preventative measure to deter cavities.
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Silver Diamine Fluoride Application

When cavities are very deep or just starting, we can use silver diamine fluoride to arrest and harden cavities. It allows us to preserve tooth structure and harden tooth surfaces that are near the dental pulp/nerve. It is safe to use on children and can be a great interim and even definite treatment.
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Book Your Next Check-Up Today

If you are overdue for a check-up and cleaning appointment, it is time to contact our team. We are prepared to provide you with the expert dental services you need. When you come into our office, you will step into a warm and welcoming environment. Our team strives to make each patient as comfortable as possible from beginning to end. We have cultivated a team of dental experts who are capable of providing you with the necessary treatments. Whether it is time for your child to get a sealant or it is time for an annual oral exam, we have got you and your family covered. Reach out to us today to book your next dental check-up.

Dental Care for the Whole Family