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The Inspiration Behind Gumtree Dental Care

The name Gumtree Dental Care was inspired while on a trip in the Australian outback. It was there that an interesting fact surfaced on gumtrees and how they have a very unique type of seed surrounded by a rubber casing. Fascinatingly enough, their seeds could only be freed through fire, where the seed would be dropped onto newly fertilized soil and grow. It shows a beautiful image found in nature, that regrowth and renewal can occur after devastating events, and it inspired the name and logo of the practice. Our comprehensive dental services are designed and tailored to you in order to meet your oral health needs.

Meet Our Dental Team

Our dental team experts are experienced and provide up-to-date treatments. Our doctors are dedicated to providing you with the dental services that you need when you need them. We strive to make all of our patients feel comfortable before, during, and after each visit. When you trust our team of experts, you can be confident that your oral health will be taken care of the right way. Our dental care team features:

Dr. Gurleen Saroya

Dr. Gurleen Saroya


Dr. Saroya graduated with a Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D) from the University of Manitoba in 2018. She moved to Ottawa following her graduation and has been serving the community for 5+ years. She is now the proud owner of Gumtree Dental Care.

Before moving to Canada in 2013, she received her Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) degree from India. In her pursuit of providing pain-free dentistry, she received her certification in nitrous oxide sedation and oral sedation.

She is passionate about all aspects of dentistry and her upmost priority is providing patient-centered care. She emphasizes patient-doctor communication; listen to patients and involve them in the treatment plan, when patients are empowered and knowledgeable the best dental work can be done. To Dr. Saroya, enhancing oral health is satisfying, but seeing patients regain their confidence and smile is the most rewarding.

Dr. Saroya is a registered member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario Dental Association, Canadian Dental Association and Ottawa Dental Society. She speaks English, Hindi and Punjabi.

In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, spending time with her family, shopping and travelling. She will admit that she has a case of wanderlust and wishes to go on a world tour. She lives in Ottawa with her husband and beautiful daughter.


Dental Admin/Office Manager

Suzanne graduated from the Medical Administrative program in 1998 and has been working in the dental field for the last 22 years. She is dedicated to helping patients with every step of their dental visit, providing optimal care, and making them feel at ease. She also is able to address any needs or concerns in a timely fashion. In her spare time, Suzanne loves to spend time with her family and friends.

Harvi headshot


Registered Dental Hygienist

Harvi is a dedicated Dental Hygienist at Gumtree Dental Care. He completed his hygiene school in 2022 and graduated from Canadian National Institute of Health in Ottawa with a degree in Dental Hygiene. He is also certified by the Ontario State Board. He is passionate about helping his patients achieve optimal oral health. He believes in a gentle and compassionate approach to dental care and is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest techniques and technology in the field. When not in the office, you can find him exploring the great outdoors, trying out new recipes, or spending time with my family and friends.

Staff image



Angela is a third-year student at Algonquin College studying Dental Hygiene. She strives to support the dental team and help patients feel calm and comfortable while in the office. In her spare time, she enjoys exercising and spending time with family.

Lindsey headshot


Certified Level II Dental Assistant

Lindsey is a Certified Level II Dental Assistant and earned her certificate from Willis College. With her calm demeanor and empathetic nature she works hard to ensure the patient experience is her first priority. Nothing makes her happier than knowing she has made a positive impact. Lindsey grew up in Arnprior and now raises her own family there. Outside of work, she spends her time with her husband and children in the outdoors, camping and tending to her plants.

Angela headshot

Angela S

Dental Admin/Assistant

Angela has been in the dental field for the last 9 years and recently graduated from the Canadian National Institute of Health (CNIH) with a degree in dental hygiene. When you come into our office, you will be greeted at the front desk by her bubbly personality or occasionally you will see her assisting in the back.

Angela is dedicated to building relationships with our patients and providing them with comfort while in our care. In her spare time, she enjoys trying new restaurants with her friends, cooking, traveling, and spending quality time with her 3 dogs at home.

Schedule With Our Experts Today

Our dental practice is the perfect resource for you and your family to get necessary dental services. Our doctors are certified and trained to evaluate, diagnose, and treat any dental problems you may be facing. We offer a wide range of dental services so that we can meet your specific and unique needs. With years of education behind our team, we are one of the most reliable dental offices in the area. Whether it is time for a check-up or you need a specific treatment, our team can get it done. We prioritize our patients’ comfort and satisfaction when it comes to dental services and operations. When you visit us at our office, you will not be disappointed. Reach out to our team today to schedule an appointment.

Dental Care for the Whole Family